Single-shot link discovery for terahertz wireless networks

Although THz communication has the potential to realize an order of magnitude increase in data rates, establishing and managing highly directional beams in THz networks is challenging. This is mainly because THz links lack the “pseudo-omni” reception capability of lower bands and have narrow beams of only a few degrees. In this work, we present a novel system that identifies dominant paths between the AP and all clients in order to efficiently steer directional beams. The key idea is to embed path direction into the inherent characteristics of signals traveling along each path. For that, we exploit a single leaky wave antenna (LWA) and create THz transmission that consists of distinct signals with unique spectral characteristics across the angular domain. We leverage the spatial-spectral signatures in the THz transmission via LWA and correlate all receivers measured signal with the known transmission signatures to discover the sender’s path directions in one-shot.



Y. Ghasempour, R. Shrestha, A. Charous, E. Knightly, and D. Mittleman, “Single-shot Link Discovery for Terahertz Wireless Networks,” Nature Communications, 11(1):2017, April 2020.

Y. Ghasempour, C.-Y Yeh, R. Shrestha, D. Mittleman, E. Knightly, “Single Shot Single Antenna Path Discovery in THz Networks,” in Proceedings of ACM MobiCom 2020, September 2020.